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How to Stop Oculus Quest 2 Lenses From Fogging Up 

Virtual reality headsets are a ton of fun, but they are not without their drawbacks, sadly. For some people, lenses fogging up with their Oculus Quest 2 is not a big deal; however, for others, they may find that there is seemingly nothing they can do to stop them from fogging up. This leads people to ask: just how to stop Oculus Quest 2 lenses fogging up?

The most common reason for the Oculus Quest 2 lens to begin to fog up is usually due to a sudden change in temperature, as they are going from exposure to room temperature heat to the heat from your body. In order to reduce this from being an issue, make sure that you take efforts to acclimate the headset to your body temp. You can do this by letting it rest on your head, so that it may gradually become warmer instead of instantly.

There are other important steps you should consider when using your Oculus Quest 2, however, so read on if you need more info.

How to Stop Oculus Quest 2 Lenses Fogging Up

Before you get started with your Oculus Quest 2 gameplay, give your device some time to warm up to you, so to speak. Put it on top of your head, but do not go straight into gaming, as this will increase the chance of your lenses fogging up. If you want to get to playing more quickly without foggy lenses, you can consider warming it up using something like a hairdryer on a low setting.

Another issue may come with being in a too-warm room while playing, to where the Oculus Quest 2 winds up getting foggy due to said heat. Play with a fan on you and/or air conditioning (as appropriate); not only does that benefit you for visibility, but it also helps keep you from overheating while playing some Beat Saber.

There are also certain “tools” that are important to use with your Oculus Quest 2, at least as far as dealing with lens fogging. For one, you can get an accessory to wear while using your Oculus Quest 2 that helps vent the inside of your headset, thereby reducing this fogginess. Additionally, having a lens wipe on hand is good for those moments where the Oculus is fogging up in spite of all measures taken to fix the issue.

How to store my Oculus Quest 2 properly

Generally, make sure that when you are storing your Oculus Quest 2, that you do not store it in temperatures that are too hot or too cold. It should be stored in temperatures no lower than 32F/0C temperature, and no higher than 104F/40C (try to land somewhere right in the middle). This will protect your Oculus Quest 2 headset from potential damage.

Can wearing glasses while using the Oculus Quest 2 fog up lenses?

Wearing glasses while using the Oculus Quest 2 has a litany of potential issues, including being able to wear them comfortably and avoid scratching either the Oculus’ lenses or the glasses’ lenses. In this case, wearing them may cause one of the two pairs of lenses to fog up, and fixing that may be done by adjusting the fit of your headset. If either are fogging up, try loosening your headset, which should help handle this problem.

What to do if your Oculus Quest 2 lenses don’t stop fogging up

If the above-mentioned solutions are not successful in preventing your Oculus Quest 2’s lenses from fogging up, there may be other solutions to consider. For one, make sure that you are wearing your Oculus Quest 2 headset properly, as wearing it improperly may be causing your breath to get into the headset portion, creating that fogginess. VR games often involve a lot of physical activity, so you may expect to see heavier breathing than normal.

Furthermore, be sure to take breaks reasonably often, as beyond being good for your overall health, you also may be sweating, which could cause the lenses to fog up as well. Be sure to take a break from use of the Oculus Quest 2 every 15 to 20 minutes; not just for the physical exertion, but also to ensure that you do not experience issues such as eye strain and headaches from excessive use.

There have also been reports on defective Oculus Quest 2 lenses, where, as a result of sweating during use of the headset, the sweat is able to get to the inner part of the lens. This makes the user unable to actually clean the sweat off of the lens, creating a stain that can only be fixed by removing the lenses. In this case, you may be able to get a repair or replacement from Oculus for the defective device.

How to keep your Oculus Quest 2 lenses in good shape

While keeping your Oculus Quest 2 lenses from blurring is important, there is much more to keeping them maintained than accounting for fogging issues and wiping them with a cloth. There are specific procedures that you need to employ in order to properly maintain them; for example, when using that cloth, be sure to not use any liquids or chemical cleaners. If you do, you run the risk of causing damage to the electrical parts of your Oculus Quest 2.

When using your wipe, be sure to start wiping from the inside, and gradually getting to the inside in a circular motion. There may be some circumstances where you have to use some kind of chemical cleaner or liquid, but in this case, you assume any and all risk associated with using those. Finding an alternative method to their use should be your top priority.

Make sure that your Oculus Quest 2 is kept in proper storage whenever it is not in use. If you do not follow this advice, you run the risk of your lenses getting dirty or potentially even scratched. You do not necessarily have to go Fort Knox on the headset, but you should at least take reasonable care with it.

What do I do if something is going wrong with my Oculus Quest 2 lenses?

Unfortunately, even if you have done everything recommended, it is still entirely possible that something may happen to your Oculus Quest 2’s lenses. Sweat getting on the inner side of the lenses, or scratches occurring on the surface of the lenses, are among the things you need to keep an eye out for (literally and figuratively).

In the event that your lenses experience scratches, there are certain things to consider and other things to avoid; for example, avoid many of the lifehacks you see on the Internet about fixing surface-level scratches in your lenses. Toothpaste is one common solution, but make no mistake, going with this option will not only not help the scratches that exist, but it may also cause new scratches. One that does come recommended, however, is using baking soda (a detailed guide on this process can be found here).

If you are reluctant to try such techniques, or these techniques have not succeeded in fixing the problem, you can either try to get Oculus to repair/replace your lenses, or you can try to get them replaced yourself. To be honest, this is a perfect opportunity to try out custom lenses, especially if you need prescription eyeglasses. By replacing them with your own prescription, you can use your Oculus Quest 2 without your glasses (though it will mean that other people can’t use it as well).

Does my Oculus Quest 2 warranty still apply if it’s my fault the lenses got scratched?

A very important thing to keep in mind when dealing with warranties of any kind is to make sure that they cover the things you want them to. A lot of warranties you get with your purchases only cover defects (such as the aforementioned sweat stain issue), and as such, would not actually cover you if the damage was your fault.

The Oculus Quest 2’s manufacturer warranty included with your purchase of the console is only meant to cover issues that is their fault, rather than any issues you cause. Thus, if you want to have coverage for accidental damage caused by you, it is important that you get additional coverage that covers accidental damage.

Is there any difference between the lenses of the Oculus Quest 1 and 2?

While there are some differences between the first and second models of the Oculus Quest, the lenses are not one of those differences. Thus, any and all procedures you are recommended to take when maintaining your Oculus Quest 2 can be applied to the maintenance of the original Oculus Quest.

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