
Can i Charge My iPad When it is Turned Off?

Has your iPad ever run out of battery, and you’ve wondered if charging works while it’s off? Or maybe you want to conserve the battery and turn it off before you charge it, but will the battery refill? We have the answer to all of your questions in the article below. 

Your iPad will still charge even when your iPad is turned off. In fact, turning off your iPad will charge your device even faster. This is because when your iPad is on, your device will still consume battery even when charging.

Read this article to find out more about charging your iPad while it’s turned on or off and learn the benefits of both. 

Will my iPad fully charge while switched off?

Your iPad will still charge even if your device is turned off. Additionally, turning your iPad off when charging causes no risk to your device’s battery health.

There’s actually a benefit of switching off an iPad before charging it; it will actually charge much faster. This is because the device doesn’t need to spend any current battery on displaying messages, running apps, displaying notifications…etc. Because of this, all incoming battery will be stored. 

This is really useful to know, especially if you are in a hurry and need to top up the charge on the iPad before leaving for the day. Simply shut it down and leave it for a while, and the incoming battery will be successfully stored. 

Is it better for the iPad to be switched off for charging?

Apple states that there is really no technical benefit to switching off the iPad, or any Apple device for that matter, during charging. The only plus is what we have mentioned above that it will charge much faster.

As far as their technicians are concerned, the device has no preference for being charged on or off.

They have been made to be charged while on as it would be a bit of a pain if we had to keep switching them off before charging; however, it really does not matter. 

Can I Use My iPad While It’s Charging?

There’s no real harm in using your iPad when it’s charging; you’ll simply notice that your device might not be charging as fast as it would when it’s not in use.

However, it all comes down to how you’re using your device. If you are gaming, then it will require additional power. If you’re simply reading emails or browsing social media, then it will require less power. Either way, there’s no issue with using your iPad while it’s charging. It shouldn’t affect your battery’s health whatsoever.

Can I Leave My iPad on Charge All The Time?

If you use your iPad a lot, for your work, for example, and can keep it plugged in at your desk all day, it’s completely safe to do so. 

There is no risk of damage to the iPad at all, and it will remain charged all the time, which is useful if you need to pick it up and go out. 

If you have the iPad open and the screen on all the time, then the battery will understandably drop much faster, so keeping it plugged in is the best option. 

When the iPad is at 100%, it will run off the incoming battery and keep the stored charge at 100%. 

When is the Best Time to Charge My iPad?

Apple advises that the best time to put your iPad on charge is before it gets below 20%, and then leave it on charge until it’s at around 80%. The reason for this is because iPads use Lithium-ion batteries; unlike nickel batteries, lithium-ion batteries don’t need to be charged to 100% and discharged down to 0%.

Instead, Lithium-Ion batteries work in charge cycles. A charge cycle is when your device consumes an equal to 100% battery capacity. Each time you consume a charge cycle, your battery slowly degrades.

Without proper care, your device can consume more charge cycles than it would need to and chemically age at a faster rate.

So why is this important?

A chemically aged battery affects two things: your iPad’s Battery capacity and its performance.

Your battery capacity refers to the amount of battery your device can hold; this number diminishes over time. You can check the battery capacity on your device by going to Settings Battery Battery Health > Maximum Capacity.

The next thing that will be negatively affected is your device’s performance, here’s how: longer app launch times, lower frame rates, reduced wireless data throughput, screen dimming, lower speaker volume.

Take a look at our full guide on when to charge your iPad for a detailed dive into charging your iPad.

How to Preserve My iPad Battery?

There are a few factors that cause your iPad to lose battery much faster.

Firstly, screen brightness. Keep this at a low; bright screens are also not good for your eyes, but they take up a lot of battery life too. 

Secondly, you’ll want to make sure that only the apps you are currently using are on and that there are no apps and tasks running in the background. 

You can also turn airplane mode on if you are away from Wi-Fi; this prevents the iPad from searching for a signal and therefore conserves the battery.

Keep your iPad updated to the latest version; this ensures that it is working as efficiently as possible. 

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