How to Clean a PS5 Controller

The PS5 controller is a pristine white color, smartly contrasted by black thumb-sticks and button placements. While this minimalist design suits a 21st-century gaming model, most geeks are upset with how quickly the controller gets dirty. If you’re facing the same problem, here’s how to clean a PS5 controller!
You need something that can enter deep into the crevices of the controller and clear away the grimy buildup from there. Hand sanitizers, Scotch tapes, isopropyl alcohol, canned air, gel-based cleaners, microfiber cloth, alcohol wipes, controller skins, etc., are some of the things you can use to maintain a clean controller.
It’s easy to forget about wiping your hands of all the dirt and sweat that’s there when you’re busy challenging other gamers. However, there are steps you can take to get your controller to look brand-new once again.
Here, let us take you through a step-by-step process for the multiple ways you can clean your PS5 controller. Keep on reading, and if you come across anything that’s available at your place, then let’s get cleaning!
The Steps of Cleaning Your PS5 Controller:
There are three key steps when cleaning the PS5 controller. These include:
One: Identify the Problem Areas
- The Thumb-sticks: What you use to navigate yourself during the game. Also, the most roughly used parts of the entire set. The sides and inner corners tend to accumulate grime that’s hard to remove.
- The Grip: The parts you grasp by your palms. These easily collect sweat and any other oily or dusty residue from your palms.
- The Crevices on the Sides: The slight opening around the edges of the controller where the upper and lower parts are merged together. Crevices are incredibly narrow and easily get choked with dust and muck, which can be difficult to clean.
- The Buttons: This is another part that faces rough handling and is in direct contact with the bacteria and dirt on your hands and other surfaces.
- The Ports: The ports available on your PS5 controller are another easy target for dust. The sharp inner crevices can be impossible to clean if you neglect them for far too long.
Each external part of the controller is a target for dust and dirt. Once you’ve figured out how dirty these parts are, let’s move on to the second step.
Two: Cleaning the Remote
We will explore two methods you can choose between in order to clean your PS5 controller. You can choose your pick or come up with your own formula based on these ideas.
Wet Cleaning
Wet cleaning the PS5 controller is meant to loosen the grime and dirt stuck on it. These methods offer a deep cleanse and make your PS5 controller appear brand-new once again. Here are some ways to wet-clean your PS5 controller:
Using a Gel-Based Cleaner: Gel-based cleaners that are available for hardware such as keyboard and mouse are also appropriate for PlayStation gaming controllers. You can get these off Amazon or from your nearest drug store for a couple of bucks. For gel-based formula application, you’ll need a microfiber cloth and a Q-tip.
Simply pour some of the cleaner on your microfiber cloth and rub it firmly over the entire controller to loosen the dirt and stains.
For hard-to-reach parts such as those under the thumb-sticks or inside ports, you can dip your Q-tip in some of the solution and use it to wipe off the grime. You can also use the narrow edges of the microfiber cloth to get into the crevices of the controller.
Using Isopropyl Alcohol: If you have some Isopropyl alcohol lying around in the house, you can use it instead of purchasing a gel cleanser. The method of cleaning with isopropyl alcohol is a bit different than that of the gel-based cleaning formula. While the alcohol can revive the shine of your controller, it isn’t quite effective in removing stubborn dirt buildup.
For that purpose, you’ll need some canned air to blow away dirt and dust buildup before you rub in alcohol. Simply blow the canned air in crevices, inside ports, and around thumb-sticks and buttons to loosen the grime and bacterial buildup. Then proceed with a microfiber cloth dipped in isopropyl alcohol and clean away the buildup.
Note: With either of these methods, it’s important to apply the liquid in a sparse quantity. It should be enough to cover all parts of the controller but shouldn’t be enough to seep through the tiny openings since that may cause irreparable damage to the controller.
Dry Cleaning
If you’re opposed to wet cleaning your PS5 controller, don’t worry! There are plenty of ways to get the controller back to its original color without letting it near any liquid. Dry cleaning your PS5 controller is pretty easy and can be done with everyday use household items. Here are some of the ways to dry-clean the PlayStation 5 remote control:
Using Scotch Tape: You’ve most probably seen how waxing strips work. Apply the adhesive part to the surface and pull away with a jerk to clean it. That’s how you can clean the narrow, hard-to-reach parts of the controller.
What you have to do is bend the tape along its vertical length with the sticky side outwards. Insert this length inside the crevices of the controller so that the grime sticks to it, then remove the tape from the controller and discard it. You can also use the scotch tape on the wider surfaces of the controller if you like.
Using Canned Air: Blowing canned air is also quite sufficient when trying to get rid of dirt from your controller. It’s also pretty simple to use, but it might require a lot of time if the dirt buildup is too strong. When getting your canned air product, make sure it’s well compressed and fully packed.
It should also have a powerful blowing capacity so that you have to spend less air on each part. Lastly, remember to cover your nose and mouth with a cloth in order to avoid getting the dust in your system since that may cause allergic problems.
How Can You Keep a PS5 Controller Clean?
Giving your PS5 controller a deep cleanse might sound satisfying, but it’s also pretty risky to let your gadgets near chemicals or other cleaning agents every now and then. If your PS5 controller is currently dirty and stinky, then you may go for a deep clean. However, here are some tips on the aftercare of the controller so that it always remains spotlessly clean to watch and play with:
- Grab your PS5 controller with clean hands. It’s exciting to have chicken wings and popcorns around when you’re binge-playing with your mates, but it’s bad for your controller.
- Keep your controller encased in plastic skin at all times. These plastic skins are easily available online and at hardware stores and can save your controller from getting spoiled.
- Keep the controlled in a clean, well-ventilated area. Make sure the storage space you choose for it doesn’t have dust circulation and is generally clean.
- Spritz some hand sanitizer on the controller to rinse away any dirt that you notice at any time. This will save you the trouble of a full-fledged cleaning.