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How to Switch Accounts on Oculus Quest 2

Attention Oculus Quest users! We know that you enjoy the benefits of this remarkable V/R headset. But it also has its challenges. Perhaps you have been wondering about how to switch accounts on the Oculus Quest 2? Or maybe you don’t want to buy the same single player experiences twice. Or maybe you’re sharing a single account but wondering how to handle multiplayer games and group chat. Read on to find out more about how to switch accounts on Oculus Quest 2.

How to Switch Accounts on Oculus Quest 2

Go to the Oculus website and sign in to your account on the main page. Click on “Settings” (gear icon) in the upper right corner and go directly to the bottom of the list to verify if there are any updates necessary. This matters because multiple accounts and library sharing began as “Experimental Features” that may be disabled if your software has not updated.

Next, under Settings, choose “Account.” If you don’t see “Account” check that Multiple Accounts and Library Sharing toggle switch is set to “On.” Select “Switch Account” and then follow the prompts.

Looking for an older way to switch accounts? Here is another option:

  1. With SideQuest installed on your Quest from https://sidequestvr.com/#/download, open the Gear VR store that comes pre-installed on the Quest
  2. Sign out of that account, and sign in to another one
  3. Hold down the power button and choose “Restart”

Once it reboots, you should be in your new account. This process only takes about 30 seconds, so it’s easy to go back and forth. All of your saved files and downloaded apps remain intact while using this method to switch.

That’s it! Keep enjoying Oculus Quest 2, now with multiple accounts and app sharing. Make sure to turn on these experimental features and set up new users through Settings, then use “Accounts” to quickly switch between them.

How do I add additional accounts on Oculus Quest 2?

The first step is to add the possibility of logging in to different accounts on your Oculus Quest 2. All accounts will of course have to log in with Facebook to have their own unique account and profile. Once that’s established, follow these simple steps:

  1. Press the Oculus button (it’s the same as the logo) on your right Touch controller to pull up your universal menu.
  2. Hover over the clock on the left side of the universal menu. This reveals “Quick Settings”; select it to open the Quick Settings panel.
  3. Select the “Settings” button (the standard gear logo) in the top right corner, then select “Accounts”
  4. In the top right corner, select “Add Account”

Note: To add additional accounts, you will need to set up an unlock pattern for your headset if you have not already done so.

  1. Select “Continue,” then allow the other person to add their account information to your headset. They will be guided through the initial setup, including logging in to Facebook, adjusting fit, and setting up Guardian.

To remove accounts, please follow this same process in reverse. Note that removing an account from a device will also remove that account’s data. To remove yourself as an additional account, use the Oculus website at https://secure.oculus.com/my/devices: under “Shared with Me” click “Remove myself from this device.

Please note that just as more than one user account can be added to the same headset, so multiple headsets can make use of the same account. However, the options are different in each case.

Can I use the same account on different headsets?

Yes, and that works fine for some games like Orbus, Rec Room, Dead & Buried, Racket NX, and some others. But most won’t let you play multiple headset users from the same account. And there’s no way to have voice chat unless you’re on separate accounts.

OK, I’ve added multiple accounts. Now what?

One benefit of having multiple accounts is that game progress and achievements will be unique to each account. No more “Hey are you done playing that game so I can start it over?” In fact, you can family share: an admin account on Oculus Quest 2 can add up to three other accounts and share games to these secondary accounts by following these steps:

  1. Login with the admin account to your Oculus Quest 2.
  2. Select settings (the gear icon), then “Accounts,” and click on “App Sharing.”

Only one account can be the admin account. House rules. And Oculus rules (unless you do a factory reset).

Additional accounts won’t be able to add other users, but they will be able to install and use apps that they have purchased from the Oculus Store, as well as apps purchased by the admin account (once app sharing is turned on). These additional accounts can not only save their own game progress, but also maintain separate media files and make use of social platforms like Parties, Leaderboards, and Achievements. And they can even customize their own avatars (because who wants to show up to Parties looking like Dad!).

Don’t worry about duplicating apps: anything installed by additional accounts will take up no extra storage space on the device if the admin account already has the app installed.

Ok, now this is brain-bending: you can still use the same app on different devices, and you can even log in to multiple devices at the same time (if you have two heads, for example), but you cannot use the same account to run the same app on multiple headsets simultaneously. Phew!

What about privacy?

Despite the possibility of sharing and switching, each account installed on an Oculus Quest 2 has its own information stored separately. Other accounts on the same device may share apps but will not have access to the information stored on other accounts, such as game progress, high scores, and in-app settings.

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