
How to reset the Wyze base station

It’s possible that you’ll need to reset your Wyze base station. Although purchasing a smart surveillance camera from Wyze is a valuable decision, it might be possible that you wish to reset its base station for the occasional malfunction or troubleshooting.

There could be many solutions to the problem, but one of the solutions is to reset the Wyze base station. It is a very simple and easy procedure, and you can do it at any time. However, the reset of the Wyze base station will return it to its default settings, and you may lose all the prior activity and connections made through it. The Wyze base station reset will return it to its original default settings. 


  • The reset of the base station will remove all the personal information.
  • It will erase the saved password of the WiFi.
  • You will lose all its connectivity to other devices.
  • Your existing settings are deleted when you restore the base station.
  • The base station would be reverted to the factory defaults.

Why would you need to reset the Wyze base station?

If any of the following apply, you may need to reset or restore your Wyze base station:

  • The base station isn’t working as it should be.
  • If you’re selling or giving away your Wyze base station and want to wipe all the data in it. 

Steps to the Wyze base station reset

  • Connect the base station to the power plug and Ethernet connection.
  • The reset button is located on the right side of the base station next to the USB port.
  • Press that button with the stretched paperclip until the light starts blinking.
  • Release the button when the light turns yellow.
  • Wait for a few minutes until the blue light blinks, ensuring that the base station is now reset.

Troubleshooting for Wyze Base Station Not Connecting to the Network 

One more issue that can appear with the Wyze base station is that it is linked to your router via Ethernet cable but the status light does not turn solid blue, meaning that the base station is unable to join the network. It’s vital to keep in mind that deleting Wyze cam outdoor or Wyze base station from the Wyze app while they’re offline will prohibit you from setting them up again.

Steps to Troubleshoot

  • Make sure you’re using the most recent version of the Wyze app.
  • Check for firmware updates on your base station.
  • Connectivity difficulties might be caused by out-of-date firmware.
  • Go to Account > Firmware Upgrade > Update next to the Wyze base station in the Wyze app.
  • If you have more than one base station, be sure you’re connecting to the correct one.
  • Check the color of the status light to ensure the base station is set up and operational. It should be a solid shade of blue.
  • Connect the Wyze Base Station to a different electric socket. If this doesn’t work, the power outlet might not be working properly. 
  • If it doesn’t work, try an alternative Ethernet cable. If this doesn’t work, the cable may be defective.
  • Attempt a soft reset by following the two steps mentioned below:
  1. Keep the Sync button pressed on the base station until the status light on the base station turns solid yellow.
  2. Set up the base station as new after the status light starts blinking yellow.

Troubleshooting for Wyze Base Station Connections Issues 

Another issue with the Wyze base station is that it is connected to the network but keeps dropping the connection. There are a few steps to follow to eliminate this issue.

Steps to Troubleshoot Connection Issues 

  • Ensure that you’re using the most recent version of the Wyze app.
  • If you’re using a VPN on your network, turn it off for the duration of the setup.
  • If you have more than one base station, be sure you’re dealing with the correct one.
  • Check the color of the status light to ensure that the Wyze base station is set up and operational. It should be a solid shade of blue.
  1. Restart the setup procedure once the status light is solid blue.
  2. If the status light does not change to solid blue, try using a different Ethernet connection.
  • If you have a distributed internet system and you wish to utilize one of the access points, try configuring the base station on your main router or modem. The Wyze base station can then be relocated to one of the access points after it has been configured.
  • Make sure the Wyze app has local permissions enabled. You may verify this in the settings of your device.
  • If you’re using an iOS device, make sure the Wyze app has the Local Network permission enabled in the device’s settings.
  • To get there, click on Settings > Privacy > Local Network > Enable for Wyze app on your iOS device.
  • If the Wyze base station is still not accessible, double-check that it’s powered on.
  • Your device is linked to a 2.4 GHz network, and your network has an internet connection.
  • The base station is attempting to connect to the same network that your mobile device is using.

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