
How to Charge a PS4 Controller Without a PS4 

The PlayStation 4 controller, known as DualShock 4, is a popular controller for a lot of people, with some saying that it is the most popular model of PlayStation controller that Sony has released to date. One thing a lot of people like to do with their PS4 controller is use it with other devices, such as their PC. Some people may even be inclined to get rid of their PS4 and keep the controllers. But if you can’t charge your PS4 controller using your PS4, how do you charge it?

There are multiple ways to charge your PS4 controller besides the PS4 itself. You can charge your PS4 controller using a wall outlet, or your computer. You can also buy a PS4 controller charging dock, which may use USB or EXT. Additionally, if you by any chance own a PS5 you can simply plug it into your PS5 console via the charging cable.

But what is the best way to charge a PS4 controller without a PS4? And do you need the cord that your PS4 came with to charge it?

How to Charge a PS4 Controller Without a PS4

Charge it with your PC

On virtually any computer, you will find a USB port to plug your PS4 controller into, though the number of USB ports may vary. Plugging your PS4 cable into your PC and charging it is just as easy as it is on the PS4. Simply Plugin the micro USB end into your PS4 controller’s charging port and the other end into your PC, and that’s it; your controller should now be charging.

Charge it using a wall outlet

Using a brick that plugs into a wall outlet, you can use a compatible USB cord to plug your PS4 into the wall and charge it. This method allows you to play it and charge it on a PS4, PS5, or PC, while not having to be near the devices during this time. Make sure, however, that the USB cable is Type A, and that it is 800mA. You can technically use any Type A USB cord, but it is safer to use one that is 800mA.

Charge it using a PS4 controller dock

There are third-party docks that can be used to charge PS4 controllers, with some docks having different methods of charging than others. For example, some use the USB port to charge, while others use the less common EXT port (located at the bottom of the controller). This port is used to be able to connect other accessories, such as headphones, but can also be used to charge the controller.

Charge it with your PlayStation 5

While the PlayStation 5 has its own unique controller to follow up the PS4 controller, you can actually use the PS4 controller on your PS5. However, the only limitation is that you can only use it on PS4 games. Unlike the PS4, which cannot play any PlayStation home console games that came before it, the PS5 is backwards compatible with the PS4. When the PS4 controller is plugged into your PS5, it will charge it until the battery is fully charged, and then it will keep it charged.

Do you need to use the same USB cable that came with your PS4 controller?

This is a concern that many may have when deciding to sell their PS4 but keep their PS4 controller. Additionally, if you lose the USB cord or it becomes damaged, you will inevitably need to replace it in some way. Thankfully, the PS4’s charging cable is not proprietary in any way, meaning that, so long as the USB cord is the same type.

How to Use PS4 Controller on a PC

The PS4 controller uses generic DirectInput drivers, as opposed to using an Xinput one (which the Xbox controller uses). Which makes it a bit more complicated to connect it to your PC, depending on your use case.

There are four common methods used to get it working, which we will detail below.

The first method is to use it through Steam. Before setting up your PS4 with any of the methods, however, make sure that your PS4 controller has already been paired with your PC, either through Bluetooth or through a Type A USB cord. To connect via Bluetooth, hold the Share and PS buttons at the same time if you are using a PS4 Bluetooth dongle. Push the dongle button until the backlight on the PS4 begins flashing. If you have internal Bluetooth, however, just open the Bluetooth menu and search for your controller, which can connect to Bluetooth. You can find the Bluetooth menu by searching for Bluetooth in the taskbar.

Once it is set up, open Steam, and select Settings from the drop-down menu in the top left of the screen. Select the Controller tab, and select General Controller Settings. Here you can begin the registration of your PS4 controller to your Steam account. Set up your PS4 controller’s Steam preferences, and then calibrate the joysticks. Check the PlayStation Configuration Support box, and then either remap the buttons in this tab or in the individual game.

If you run into any problems with the controller during setup, it may be worthwhile to try a USB 2.0 cord instead of the standard USB 3.0 cord. The settings even have the ability to personalize your controller, including naming it, changing the color of the light, and changing the brightness and saturation of the light. Additionally, you can also turn the rumble feature on or off.

Another option is to use the DS4Windows program, which is specifically designed for PlayStation 4 compatibility. To install this program, you need to download Microsoft .NET Framework. If you are on Windows 7, you need the Xbox 360 Controller Driver. Connect the PS4 controller to the computer or through Bluetooth, and then download DS4Windows. Open it, and look for your controller in the Controllers tab. Next, select Hide DS4 Controller in the Settings tab. Set the Use Xinput Ports to only one, create a profile for your PS4 controller, and remap the functions.

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