
How Much is a Used PS4 Controller? (Complete Guide)

The PS4 controller, also known as the DualShock 4, is a pretty good one, and is a good buy for a lot of people. Even if you do not own a PS4, you can use the PS4 controller on a PC, Mac, PlayStation 5, and multiple other devices as well. However, if you want to save some money, then buying used things is one of the best ways to go about that.

However, there are a lot of things you need to consider when buying anything used, and controllers have their own issues to look out for. With that said, how much is a used PS4 controller?

How Much Does a Used PS4 Controller Go For?

A PS4 controller, especially since the PS5 controller has come out, is not too expensive when purchased used. Depending on the website and seller, you can find a basic black PS4 controller for anywhere from $22 to $53. Cosmetic or other damage may affect the cost, however.

The price of a used PS4 controller involves multiple things you need to consider. Which PS4 controller are you trying to buy? How much damage are you willing to accept? And perhaps most importantly, where are you trying to buy your PS4 controller? Well, we are going to assume that the PS4 controller is the black model (the most common PS4 controller) and has only minor cosmetic damage at worst.

For retailers, however, many retailers do not sell used PS4 controllers, only new ones. The closest you might see is if a retailer sells a refurbished PS4 controller, which is both less common and usually comes out at a higher cost to you. Additionally, you may have to factor in shipping costs for the particular website or listing if you buy online, as these will not be considered. However, the websites below often have free shipping, either as the default or because you paid a certain amount of money and thus qualify.

Used PS4 controller price on GameStop

Arguably the bread and butter of GameStop is the sale of used items, PS4 controllers included. But does that mean that the used controller pricing is better than it is on other websites and stores? In our search, we found that all standard PS4 controllers sell for approximately $53.

Used PS4 controller price on Best Buy

The cost of a used PS4 controller is slightly better at Best Buy than it is at GameStop, with the lowest price on the Best Buy website being about $45, though you may see a used black PS4 controller for a higher price than that at the store.

Used PS4 controller price on Amazon.com

From here, we will be examining websites that allow users to list their items and sell them without having to do it through another company, like how Best Buy and GameStop work. This has the benefit of not having to give Amazon or eBay a cut like you do with such sellers.

Checking the selection of used black PS4 controllers, the lowest price offered is about $40, representing a lower price than what Best Buy and GameStop offer. This price is not static, however, as it requires a seller to be willing to offer it for that price. The condition of the controller may also be more difficult to verify, especially if the seller does not provide pictures.

Used PS4 controller price on eBay

eBay is certainly a lot more fluid than Amazon is when it comes to sales, as eBay is, for the most part, a site for individuals to sell their wares. As a result, you may see quite a lot more variance than on a site with companies selling wares like Amazon. Looking at sold items, we have seen used black PS4 controllers sell for as cheap as $22 in good condition, to as high as $40 (with some outliers for the latter figure). The lower the price is, the greater the chance the controller may not be worth it, so be sure to check the reputation of the seller and the photos they provide.

Used PS4 controller price on Facebook Marketplace

The Facebook Marketplace is definitely one of the last stops most people will make when looking to buy a PS4 controller, but it is an option nonetheless. This option, however, is a lot more difficult to figure out, simply due to the fact that it’s hard to see a history of sales. Additionally, Marketplace sellers have way more variance when it comes to selling their wares, meaning that you could theoretically find a used PS4 controller given away for free by someone who just wants to get rid of it. Alternatively, you may find someone who expects an unreasonably high price for their controller, sometimes even higher than a new controller would cost.

Another important factor in Facebook Marketplace is proximity to you. A lot of sellers do not ship their items, requiring you to pick them up in person. This saves both on shipping costs and the time between buying the item and receiving it in the mail.

Is it worth buying a used PS4 controller over a new one?

Now that we have examined the cost of a used PS4 controller on a selection of stores and websites, the question is: is it even worth buying used? Sure, if you don’t care about nicks or scuffs, even five dollars off is worth it. But if you can afford that five dollars, then it’s probably worth it to buy it new. For example, GameStop sells a new PS4 controller for $60, which GameStop only gets so much of a cut for. However, a used controller sale gets them a much bigger cut.

Based on our research, your best bet for a used PS4 controller is on eBay. If you do want to buy from a retailer, however, it may be more worthwhile to buy a new one on Amazon.com.

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