
How to Connect AirPods to a Sony TV: Pair it in Seconds

You may want to enjoy watching your Sony TV with a headset. If you own a pair of AirPods, you’ll want to know how to connect them so that you can have the most favorable experience. We’ll dig into helping you connect your AirPods, and we’ll answer any additional questions you might have. 

How to Connect AirPods to a Sony TV:

You’ll first need to put your AirPods in pairing mode, place your Airpods into their charging case to get them prepared to connect to your TV. Keep the lid open as you move on to the next step, which is touching the button on your case. You’ll need to press and hold that button down until you see a flashing white status light. That means your AirPods are ready to pair with your Sony television. 

Next, you’ll need to visit the settings menu on your Sony television. Under “Settings,” you’ll see “Network & Accessories.” “Bluetooth Settings” will be under those settings. 

Look at your Bluetooth toggle and ensure that you have it in the “On” position before you move forward. Once it’s on, you can select “Add a Device” so that your Sony television searches for available Bluetooth devices and finds your headset. Select your Apple AirPods from the list of available devices so that they can connect. You can enjoy your favorite television shows on your Sony TV with your AirPods once the pairing process is complete. 

How Do I Know if My AirPods Are Paired to My Sony TV?

You will usually hear a chime sound when your AirPods have successfully been paired with another device. Your television screen may also show that you have successfully connected to it. You may have to try to connect your AirPods all over again if you hear no chime, or you continue to see an amber or red light. That could indicate that something went awry with the pairing, and you’ll need to try again. 

Why Won’t My AirPods Connect to My Sony TV?  

In some rare cases, you could experience a failure of your AirPods to connect to your Sony TV. If this happens, you’ll notice that your Sony TV continues to say “searching for devices,” and no connection occurs. This sometimes occurs because the Sony televisions need firmware updates to make them compatible with Apple Devices. How you perform the firmware update will depend on whether you have an Android or non-Android version of the Sony television. 

On some Sony models, you’ll see a notification in the upper-right section of your home screen that lets you know an update is available. You can click on that and then click “Details” to see the link that allows you to download your software update. Once you receive your update, your AirPods Pro should pair with the television and allow you to enjoy your content.

In other cases, the solution involves disconnecting your Airpods and “forgetting” them from a previously connected device. This is because your previously connected device may be trying to establish a connection.

AirPods will also fail to connect to a device properly if they don’t have enough charge on them. Therefore, you need to ensure that they have a full charge on them before you try pairing them and going through other processes. Place them in their case and allow them to charge for 20 to 30 minutes for the very best results. Attempt to connect them to the television as mentioned above, and you should have no problems.  

Can I Connect Two Sets of AirPods to My Sony TV?

At some point, you may want to set up more than one set of headphones on your Sony TV so that you and a friend or loved one can watch a movie together.

Unfortunately, you’ll be unable to do that with most Sony television models. Though you can pair many devices to your Sony television via Bluetooth, you can only have one of each type connected.

Thus, you’ll only be able to pair one Apple AirPods set with your television. You can share one of your AirPods with another party if you want to share the experience of watching television without waking anyone else in the household. 

How Can I Adjust AirPods Volume on Sony TV?

Depending on what type of Sony TV you own you may have difficulty adjusting the volume on your AirPods. Your best recourse is to ensure that the volume on your Apple AirPods is set to your preferred volume level before pairing them to your television. To adjust the volume on your AirPods, you’ll need to grab your iPhone for a minute and pair your AirPods to it. Then, you can go to “Settings” and “Bluetooth” to find your AirPods. Touch the little “i” icon by your AirPods.

Double-tap on the right or left AirPod and check “Siri.” Do the same with the other side. Once you do that, you can call on Siri to turn your volume up. Then you can disconnect from your iPhone and pair your AirPods to the Sony television. You can also try searching for Bluetooth volume settings on your Sony TV that may affect the sound that comes into your AirPods. 

Why Is Sound Only Coming From One Ear?

Various situations can cause sound to only come out of one of your AirPod devices. The situation can happen because of a software issue, an improper pairing procedure, or a problem with the AirPods themselves. You may have to take your AirPods to an Apple technician if you go through the troubleshooting process and find no positive results. 

Now you know how to enjoy your Sony TV quietly by connecting your Apple AirPods to it. You also know what to do if the pairing process fails, and if you only hear something coming from one AirPod. You should be able to have an enjoyable experience now. Don’t hesitate to reach out to an Apple store if you have any issues.

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